Sample Clearance
If you use samples in your commercial productions you'll need permission from the copyright owners. You'll need
a Sample License or Master Use License.
If you plan to sample music from a commercial pop recording, you'll need permission from the copyright owner of
the song - usually the music publisher (a mechanical license). You'll also need permission form the owner of the
master tapes (the recording itself) - usually the record company (a master use license).
In case you use a sample from a sample CD make sure you bought a license.
No permission is needed when using old recordings that are in the public domain. You do need music permission however when using a newly recorded version
(just a few samples or the complete master) of a public domain work (mostly older classical works). You
need permission form the master owner / the owner of the sound recording of that public domain composition.
We noticed there are a lot of misconceptions about the differences between remixes, cover versions of a song, and the use of samples. We are here to help clear things up.
Make sure you don't use uncleared samples in your release !
For more information about the use of samples and sample clearance, go to the Contact Us page.
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