Music Contracts
This section mentiones the most widely used and current contracts in the
music industry. We will customize each musiccontract for your own specific needs. Whether you are a label, a producer, a DJ or
a new music startup, we've got you covered! Contact us if you need one of these
A written contract should reflect the parties actual agreement about
important topics such as royalties, copyrights, recording costs, duration, remixes, performance rights, jurisdiction, licensing, applicable law, premature termination and rights to use artist
Note that you should never sign a standard music contract
(downloaded from internet) without consulting us or other music attorneys about the specifics!
Artist Contracts:
- Artist - Management Contract
- Artist - Record Company Contract
- Artist - Producer Contract
- Artist - Master Producer Contract
- Artist - Recording Contract
- Artist - Tech Rider Contract
- Artist - Manager Contract
- Artist - Studio Contract
- Vocalist Contract
- Songwriter Contract
- Exclusive Songwriter(s) Contract
- Single Song Option Contract
- Band Partnership Agreement
- Band Member Agreement
Distribution Contracts
- Distribution Contract
- Record Co-Distribution Policy Statement
- Talent Release Contract
- Merchandise Licensing Contract
Copyright Contracts
Royalty Contracts
- Royalty Agreement Contract
- Royalty Payment Schedule Contract
- Publisher - Royalty Sharing Contract
- Producer Royalties Contract
- Song Royalty Agreement
- Mechanical License
Concert Booking and Production Contracts
- Booking Contract
- Production Distribution Promotion Contract
- Performance Contract
- Technical Advisor and Consultant Agreement
- Agency Booking Agreement
- Artist - Tech Rider Contract
- Sound & Light Contracting Agreement
Management and A&R Contracts
- Artist - Management Contract
- Personal Manager Contract
- Producer - Management Contract
- Agency Booking Agreement
- Agreement Of Foreign Agency
Marketing & Promotion Contracts
- Promotional Contract
- Production Distribution Promotion Contract
- International Marketing Contract
- Publicity Contract
- Event Sponsorship Contract
- Merchandise Licensing Contract
Music Publishing Contracts
- Publishing Contract
- Publisher - Record Company Contract
- Publisher - Royalty Sharing Contract
- Subpublishing Contract
- Copyright License Contract
Record Label Contracts
- Production Distribution Promotion Contract
- Record Company Contract
- Recording Agreement
- Record Company - Producer Contract
- Record Company - Artist Contract
- Record Company - Publisher Contract
Producer and Studio Contracts
- Production Contract
- Producer - Record Company Contract
- Producer - Management Contract
- Producer - Composer Contract
- Producer - Talent Contract
- Producer - Vocalist Contract
- Producer Royalties Contract
- Producers Assistant Contract
- Producers Letter Of Agreement
- Production Distribution Promotion Contract
- Studio Charges Time Contract
Music Video, Film and Television Contracts
- TV Movie Film Synchronization Contract
- Video Release Contract
- Photographer Contract
- Commercial Music Contract
Contract Packages
Contract Packages contain all of the contracts above per category
- Artist Contracts Package
- Distribution Contracts Package
- Copyright Contracts Package
- Royalty Contracts Package
- Concert Booking and Production Contracts Package
- Management and A&R Contracts Package
- Marketing & Promotion Contracts Package
- Music Publishing Contracts Package
- Record Label Contracts Package
- Producer and Studio Contracts Package
- Music Video, Film and Television Contracts Package
For questions about these or other music contracts contact us.
Legal Disclaimer: The music contracts on this page have been prepared and authenticated by
MusicaJuridica. The customizable contracts are form agreements that require adaptation to each unique legal and
contractual situation. These agreements are not a substitute for legal advice and the use of such should be
discussed with an attorney in your country or state when facing specific legal situations. If you are in need of
legal advice, consult a lawyer in your country or state, or use MusicaJuridica's Legal Referral Service. There
exist no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the MusicaJuridica music contracts. Choosing to use these forms
acknowledges that you have read this disclaimer and agreed to its terms. Specifically, you have not been advised by
MusicaJuridica regarding the use of these contracts to your specific situation and thus waive any warranty,
expressed or implied, in relation to the use of these forms. If you do not agree with this disclaimer and/ or do
not adhere to its terms, you are not licensed to use the MusicaJuridica form agreements. By choosing to use any of
the MusicaJuridica form agreements, you automatically become bound to the terms of this disclaimer.
Legal news: